
sea dawn nature sky
Photo by Nuno Obey on

Reflections of one’s life can be an awaking all on its own. I have spent the last few days going over what my life has been, what it has become, and what it is now. I encourage you to do the same for it will open your eyes in many ways.

We all have terrible things happen in life, but looking back I realize that the bad times were few for me and the good times many. Some of you will have the reverse occur but look for the good things in the bad things. Sometimes we have a good learning experience from the bad things that have come about in our lives if we only open our eyes and look for it.

Reflections this soon in life has helped me understand a few things, I will pass some of this realization onto my parents since they still both are alive, however, they both are in their 80’s now.  I can make some things known now before they pass, a way to clean the soul, theirs and mine perhaps. That old saying ” IT’S NEVER TO LATE” well, in this case, it can be. I will put this top on my list to do and see that it gets done.

As I looked back into the past my heart was once again filled with the joy of the childhood that I did have, mind you, it wasn’t”Leave it to Beaver” in no sense of the matter. However, my folks both worked to make ends meet but they provided for me very well the best they could and that matters very much. My wife, on the other hand, had that “Leave it to Beaver” type childhood. Her mother was a stay at home mom and was deeply involved in school activities and was there when they came home each day. She has a hard time understanding the way I grew up but I cannot understand her way either. We both came out good and we have raised our own children to be good parents and citizens of this world. We taught them about God, love, honor, respect, caring, faith, and gave them the best education we could, we thought our job was done, but it never is really done, now is it. I hope that they see some time in the future what their mother and I tried to do for them as they grew-up and realize we did the best we could for them at the time. I hope someday they have their own reflections on life.

I just want to encourage the readers to take time and reflect on their own life. If you need to tell someone how you feel then take time to do it but the time is gone. Remeber to look for the good things and disregard those things that were bad. The only thing one can learn from the past is to forgive those for the wrongdoing and release the negative feelings that come from it, give it back to God and let him deal with it. I had a priest tell this one time when I had a major problem with something my mother had done. It worked I forgave her for it and soon was shown why she had done what she did. It was a fault in her, something that she just could not deal with, and I at the time could not understand why she did it, now I cannot blame her one bit. I hope this can help others find their way in the journey called life.

Love yourself for you are a being of God and if you love him with all your heart you will feel his love fill your soul. Life is a blessing, make the best of it, learn as much as you can of it, and teach others what you have learned. The journey is a great one, and the reward is the love and light at the end of this journey. Remeber his own words “forgive those for which they do not know what they have done.”